Once you have completed the auto migration, you will still need to test your migrated map file to ensure that it produces the desired results.
This map will be used during the actual migration.
See map at right: Green represents autumn/southward migration; red denotes winter range; and yellow represents spring/northward journey.
Secondary development of map sheet decoration which is based on the Geographic Information System (GIS) platform is not conducive to the migration and expansion of functions.
Glucosamine appears to inhibit IL-1b-mediated MAP kinase phosphorylation to reduce IL-8 expression, and therefore to retard prostate cancer cell proliferation and migration.
而氨基葡萄糖可能会借由抑制MAPK路径的磷酸化来减缓介白素- 8的表现,进而来降低摄护腺癌细胞之增生及转移。
Glucosamine appears to inhibit IL-1b-mediated MAP kinase phosphorylation to reduce IL-8 expression, and therefore to retard prostate cancer cell proliferation and migration.
而氨基葡萄糖可能会借由抑制MAPK路径的磷酸化来减缓介白素- 8的表现,进而来降低摄护腺癌细胞之增生及转移。