There are more than 100 Mileage Plus partners spanning the globe.
For instance, United Mileage Plus fliers can redeem 2,000 miles for $100 worth of gift certificates at more than 15,000 restaurants.
例如,UnitedMileage PlusFliers可以用2000里来可以换取在150,00多家餐馆中任意一家的价值100美元的现金礼券。
From United’s mobile website, which is in beta, passengers also can check flight status, flight availabilty, itineraries and their Mileage Plus accounts.
在美联航的测试版手机网站上,乘客也可以查询航班状态、空余航班座位、行程以及乘客的Mileage Plus里程信息。
From United’s mobile website, which is in beta, passengers also can check flight status, flight availabilty, itineraries and their Mileage Plus accounts.
在美联航的测试版手机网站上,乘客也可以查询航班状态、空余航班座位、行程以及乘客的Mileage Plus里程信息。