That train took him a thousand miles across the country to a totally strange city.
Residents from 25 DE Agosto, a small town 38 miles north of Montevideo, travel by train for a cultural visit to Solis Theatre in the capital city.
The two CIA officers, with a dozen armed guards, were then taken by truck and train to a prison in Mukden (Shenyang), the largest city in Manchuria, almost 300 miles away.
A train passenger traveling from Baghdad to Karbala, a Shiite holy city some 60 miles south of the capital, reads a prayer book.
Now when he leaves New Orleans he should travel via train to Biloxi, at which point he must disembark and purchase a bus ticket for Paradise Chapel, a town some twenty miles south of Noon City.
EMU train can reach the railway station, Wenling City, twenty kilometers away from Huangyan airport, eighty miles away from Wenzhou airport.
EMU train can reach the railway station, Wenling City, twenty kilometers away from Huangyan airport, eighty miles away from Wenzhou airport.