The military-industrial complex battens off the gigantism of advanced technology;
What is remarkable about this budget is that military spending is largely spared, showing once again the power of America's military-industrial complex.
As Takashi Uesugi, a campaigning freelance journalist puts it; Japan's equivalent of America's military-industrial complex is the "bureaucracy-media complex".
Russian military-industrial complex website reported that China is negotiating with Ukraine for the bulk purchase of "European Zubr" air cushion landing craft.
Other rockets of this class, such as Boeing’s Delta IV and the Atlas V, operated jointly by Boeing and Lockheed Martin, are children of the military-industrial complex.
Katayev's files offered a firsthand look inside the Soviet military-industrial complex, from the Kremlin to the sprawling network of factories and design bureaus to the weapons in the field.
And what is your opinion on the Military Industrial Complex?
It's part of the strategy of the military industrial complex. We must spend the money to have the most efficient weapons for killing others to stay on top.
The result has been a steady and accelerating decline in the power of the military industrial complex.
Army-Industrial Complex: Focuses on the army side of the military. This gives three army, one industrial, and one random research opportunity.
So that might well chime with your view that America is a sort of warmongering, military machine, out to overpower the world with its huge, industrial-military complex.
So that might well chime with your view that America is a sort of warmongering, military machine, out to overpower the world with its huge, industrial-military complex.