It would be corrupting military discipline to leave him unpunished.
It required military discipline to get us out of bed in a chamber warmed only by the stovepipe, to draw on icy socks and frosty boots and go to milking cows.
Soldiers are governed by military discipline.
In military discipline, those who violated the discipline would be severely punished.
Studying at the Royal Officers' Academy is to be on the cutting edge of military discipline and prowess.
Started hiding their tattoos, studied military discipline, computers, they have almost no digital footprint.
After he had received his commission, he found military discipline so relaxed that he was able to indulge his literary tastes.
He frequently punished his officers for relatively minor violations of military discipline and rarely discussed his plans with them.
In the internal affairs, the clothing, the army military discipline aspect, I also learned to request itself strictly, the struggle made the activists.
Members are enthusiastic but usually have only cursory training and very little sense of military discipline, often commuting to the front from their homes.
Armed conflict between nation states is brutal, but at least it proceeds according to a set of rules grounded both in international law and in the demands of military discipline.
They claim shifts are long, the assembly line moves too fast and that managers enforce military-style discipline on the workforce.
Military schools are known for their strict discipline.
The group also sheds light on the exceptional discipline and order of the Qin army and its military equipment.
而且通过这些陶俑群,也体现了秦军装备精良,纪律严明,斗志昂扬的军纪军貌。 收藏。
Military training is a kind of can enhance our physical quality and discipline consciousness of the powerful activities.
This study has stepped out for the establishment and application of the index system for the evaluation of military medical discipline in academies and has been fruitful.
I developed a discipline in following an established process through the military. The commitment of those processes and adherence to strict guidelines has maximized my success as a franchisee.
Military individual should set good example to follow the Party's policy and observe the discipline.
Beneath the sameness of the uniform and the discipline, universal military service wiped out distinctions of class and place.
Some military laws and regulations concernlogistics, discipline, drill, etc.
As a new network, the wireless sensor network is a multi-discipline, highly intersecting researched hot field, which is of both military and business values.
The bill included necessary funding for high priorities, such as equipping our military and rebuilding the Gulf Coast, and it showed discipline in other areas.
Three years of military life, so I learned was the importance of discipline, exercise my will;
As the name Clan is borrowed from Computer games and has a meaning of military, it combines excitements and discipline into one.
As the name Clan is borrowed from Computer games and has a meaning of military, it combines excitements and discipline into one.