Haiti faces no external military threat.
Otherwise this is not much of a military threat.
China and Europe do not see each other as a military threat.
How did these two countries reply the allied nations military threat?
We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to A. yield to any military threat.
"We do not engage in arms RACES," he said. "We are not a military threat to any country."
Pretending to keep a military threat on the table while trying to talk or bribe Iran out of going nuclear is not a bad policy.
Analyst Pavel Felgenhauer notes that NATO does not pose a military threat to Russia but that its rulers fear the alliance for self-serving reasons.
They were considered a military threat to the Israeli state, and they were ruled under a completely different set of laws than the Jewish population.
He added that the U. S. still has the illusion that it can intimidate China with military threat, but in fact, such an approach is "completely useless".
For 40 years, its whole reason for existing was the military threat posed by the Soviet Union and Western Europe's need for stouter defences than it could provide alone.
Rice denied that washington had a china "containment policy", but her language underscored differences with canberra which sees beijing more as an economic opportunity than a military threat.
Perhaps, if American pundits crying out over the Chinese military threat to the world are to be believed, the United States should not be so eager to rid itself of a nuclear deterrent after all.
The ultimatum contained the threat of military force.
Like all sovereign nations, he argued, America has the unilateral right to defend itself from attack, and to take unilateral military action to eliminate an imminent threat.
Military analysts are alarmed at what they see as a growing threat to American maritime supremacy in the western Pacific.
Military globalism refers to long-distance networks in which force, and the threat or promise of force, are deployed.
Its new military doctrine paints NATO, and particularly its enlargement, as the biggest threat to Russia.
A country's military ability is not a threat to anyone.
Israel sent the delegation after the Security Cabinet backed down from a threat to launch a major military offensive in Gaza in response to daily Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks.
Israel sent the delegation after the Security Cabinet backed down from a threat to launch a major military offensive in Gaza in response to daily Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks.