My diet consisted almost exclusively of chocolate-covered cookies and glasses of milk.
My diet is made up of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, water, and milk.
But to put this in perspective, he pointed out that if someone on a typical Japanese diet drank this milk for a whole year, the accumulated radiation would equal that from a single ct scan.
For the first four days of the study, they all ate a fixed diet of cereal and milk in the morning and frozen entrees for lunch and dinner.
Instead, he suggests getting these compounds through food, whether by including green tea at breakfast or by adding an extra glass of skim milk to your daily diet.
Starting around that time, however, the rapid westernization of the diet meant that meat, milk, cheese, and sodas became fashionable.
And diet soda as a "low-fat filling food"? Cheese and milk also reside in this category - but surely only the tasteless low-fat version.
What if we decided on a vegetarian, rather than vegan diet? After all, milk and eggs are very efficient ways of producing animal calories, second only to factory-reared broiler chickens.
For children under five, whole milk should be encouraged, although semi-skimmed milk may be used from the age of two if the rest of the diet supplies adequate amounts of energy.
Tests have shown that whether cow \ \ \ 's milk, a mixed diet, or a vegetarian diet is given, the growth rate is the same.
It can be included in a healthy diet - tofu, some soy milk, whole soy beans, tempeh can all be good for you if you mix them in with the other real foods I mentioned above.
It can be included in a healthy diet -tofu, some soy milk, whole soy beans, tempeh can all be good for you if you mix them in with the other real foods I mentioned above.
Milk, unlike diet soda, contains sodium, calories and, if not fat-free, varying amounts of saturated fat.
Iron deficiency is the other concern for an all-breast-milk diet, especially for children born premature, or those whose moms are anemic and don't produce enough iron in their milk.
A second included hamburgers, processed meats, pizza, chips, white bread, sugar, and flavored milk drinks, or what the researchers called "a Western diet."
Of those actively attempting to improve their sleep health through diet, a calming cup of chamomile tea is their sleep aid of choice, followed by a glass of hot milk or some wine.
If between meals or before meal drink milk, to sponsor human add appetite, lunch and dinner diet is not right amount.
When milk and bread are no longer our dreams, the diet system of a modern society should be enjoyed from a cultural Angle of view and consideration.
In New Zealand and Australia, cows feed on the fields so the milk they produce changes depending on the diet which varies by the grass that grows by season.
Recently, , research has shown that drinking milk may modestly increase the risk of acne. However, the story on diet is still evolving.
最近,研究表明喝牛奶可以稍微降低长粉刺的风险。但是,食物对此是否有影响的看法也有了新的进展。 。
Whether this kind of cow-milk protein consumption is a cause of type 1 diabetes is not known, but it would be prudent for a nursing mother to avoid cow-milk in her diet. 17.
The lack of milk and fresh vegetables in the child's diet was responsible for his malnutrition.
Often, girls and women who may be dieting will drink diet sodas rather than milk.
If you (or your friend) find yourself addicted to sodas, try drinking half as many sodas each day, and gradually add more milk and dairy products to your diet.
You will probably be amazed at the amount of snacks you eat, the different ways in which milk and cheese are a part of your diet, and-worst of all-how much fast food you consume.
Meat, milk, vegetable, fruit and starches constitute a balanced diet.
We all know the benefit of a balance diet with a lot of fruit and vegetables, a little meat, some grains and some milk.
We all know the benefit of a balance diet with a lot of fruit and vegetables, a little meat, some grains and some milk.