Silicon fertilizer is a new mineral fertilizer of high quality, high efficiency and no poison.
The SV organic and mineral fertilizer was a new fertilizer made in Shanxi Agricultural University.
Combination application of mineral fertilizer and manure was the best practice to reduce N2O emission without significant yield reduction.
The inorganic mineral combined with modified high molecular polymer can increase the permeability of coated fertilizer.
Effeet of an 8 years experiment with different kinds of fertilizer application treatments on organic-mineral complex and humus united pattern was conducted.
The results show that the fertilizer increases the stools and the panicles more significantly than mineral compound fertilizers in the trial. The yield is increased by 14%.
试验结果表明,本肥施用效果明显优于当地习惯施肥和无机复混肥,主要通过促进植株分蘖提高成穗率而增产,增产幅度达14 %。
There was very little fertilizer N residue left, most of which entered the organo-mineral complex, while a part of the soil N was activated.
Single rope grab is an efficient tool for loading and unloading sands, coal, mineral powder and bulk chemical fertilizer.
Single rope grab is an efficient tool for loading and unloading sands, coal, mineral powder and bulk chemical fertilizer.