In 1959, an 18-hole miniature golf course was added.
Somewhere on the trip we even fit in a round of miniature golf.
There, well, see? Barry wouldn't even kiss me on a miniature golf course.
Although miniature golf won't incinerate fat, it will burn more calories than lying in a hammock.
If you can't tell the difference between a wedge and an iron, maybe miniature golf is the way to go.
They can also play tennis, golf, or miniature golf and take scenic rides in hot-air balloons or on chair lifts.
There are hip bars for evening. Mall shopping and miniature golf for day. Ski resorts for winter. Water parks for summer.
Oasis of the Seas' 16 decks house four main swimming pools, a park promenade, surf simulators, rock climbing, and miniature golf.
To this end, they offer miniature golf, a 60-seat cinema, and cosmetic and physiotherapy services, among other cutting-edge amenities.
It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Oklahoma City. My friend and proud father Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play miniature golf.
The trips to Dallas were remarkable to me for three reasons, beyond the great Mexican food, the zoo, and the most beautiful miniature golf course I'd ever seen.
The software testers, who are in their 20s and 30s, are trained to work together and they take part in organized outings: miniature golf, bowling, eating at a restaurant.
更为重要的是,该公司也为提高雇员们的社交能力而努力。 让这些个20、30多岁的年青人(软件测试员们),一起工作、社团开展体育运动角逐:迷你高尔夫,保龄球,一起去餐馆吃饭。
Edie Crane's Aunt Dan took the Crane kids, and often me, everywhere—to the movies, to Snow Springs Park to swim in a pool fed by very cold spring-water, and to Whittington Park to play miniature golf.
Others even went as far as adding miniature railroads, merry-go-rounds, and mini-golf.
Focus on fun. You can do a lot of walking during trips to the zoo park or miniature-golf course.
Focus on fun. You can do a lot of walking during trips to the zoo park or miniature-golf course.