Miniaturization is an important research direction in modern electronic communication system, and the design of RF channel emphasizes the miniaturization design of frequency synthesizer.
The enormous complexity of design, particularly of manned spacecraft with their millions of components, requires a high degree of miniaturization and reliability.
Therefore, it is necessary to raise the number of systems, intelligence, miniaturization, multi-functional design.
Optical glass with high refractive index and high dispersion are used more and more as optical design trend to miniaturization and digital.
The thin film deposition is used to make 16 step Fresnel lens . It can implement system′s lightweight, miniaturization and increase free degree of the design.
To satisfy the requirement of encoder miniaturization, a fire-new encoding method and inimitable design structure of reading head are proposed to develop super miniature virtual absolute encoder.
In this thesis, some research of the design methods and new structures, techniques and miniaturization of bandpass filter in wireless communication systems are proposed.
Moore's Law is driven, as Moore explained, largely by economies of scale in producing chips, improvements in design, and the relentless miniaturization of component parts.
According to the design principles of miniaturization and modularization, adaptor includes command transmission and analysis module, logical control module and memory module.
With logical design, we obtained expected specification and realized miniaturization.
Thermal design is very important for reliability of electronic equipments. Due to miniaturization of electronic equipment, the higher request is put forward to the thermal design.
The results indicate that the miniaturization quadruped robot can achieve stable movement, and then it verifies reliability of the robot design.
We use the thin film deposition to make 16 step fresnel lens, which can obtains lightweight system, miniaturization and increases free degree of the design.
使用薄膜沉积法制作1 6阶菲涅耳透镜,用它代替常规的光学透镜可实现系统的轻量化、小型化、增加系统设计的自由度。
For the miniaturization of satellite electronic system, the paper introduces design and implementation of satellite telemetry and telecontrol channel based on FPGA.
It's a certain trend that importing embedded technology into testing system design and realizing the miniaturization of the system.
Casio's core competences are in miniaturization, micro-processor design, material science and ultra-thin precision casings.
The design methods of the transceiver system about integration and modularization, low power consumption, miniaturization, and LPI are presented in this paper.
It paved the way for camera design miniaturization, a trend that continues today.
The SPWs are the foundation to achieve the optical circuit. The design, facture and application have great significance for integrated optical components to miniaturization and highly density.
By electric field coupling, three second-order bandpass filters with elliptic function response and high miniaturization performance were design and fabricated.
On the basis of the general ideas, four filter miniaturization methods were summarized by studying the domestic and overseas relevant miniaturized design examples.
In view of our existing system, we design the structure model of related valve, proving the effect in which the high hydraulic pressure could improve the miniaturization of this structure.
In view of our existing system, we design the structure model of related valve, proving the effect in which the high hydraulic pressure could improve the miniaturization of this structure.