It was a minor incision (later, she had surgery to remove the scar), but it's easy to think of it as some kind of war wound for a life lived so magnificently.
Mubarak has a history of minor ailments and underwent gallbladder surgery in Germany in March last year.
Implanting the device is not minor surgery, Dr. Khatib said.
The doctors performed minor surgery and referred me to a local practice for a follow-up.
Members typically paid $2, about a day's wage, to have yearly access to a doctor's care (minor surgery was frequently included in this fee).
No self-respecting family leaves the doctor's surgery without a multiple prescription for drugs to treat even minor ailments.
Minor surgery can remove all or part of the nail.
My sister-in-law calls in a panic one evening after she realizes the cheerfully wrapped box she left on our doorstep after Wes had minor surgery contains two Chinese-made Mattel motorcycles.
Learning to speak a foreign language requires painstaking practice, and if that doesn't work, it might be time to for minor, yet painful oral surgery.
She has to undergo minor surgery.
I took him to the veterinarian a few days ago and learned that he needs some minor surgery to fix the problem.
I've been here seven years, have never missed a project deadline even when meeting it meant working nights, weekends, and once even when I was in the hospital for minor surgery.
我已经在这家公司工作了七个年头,从来没有错过哪怕一个项目的截止日期,哪怕按时完工意味着晚上加班,周末不休息。 有一次,我因为一个小手术住院,也没有停止手头的工作。
Lukasz Fabianski was expected to return after knee surgery but remains sidelined after a minor setback.
Xinhua reported cross-country travel, international travel, minor plastic surgery and graduation dinners are being planned.
The 6-foot-3, 280-pound fighter had been hospitalized for 11 days last November in North Dakota, where he underwent tests and "minor surgery" before being released to his home in Alexandria, Minn.
A minor surgery of adding an artificial mole on the face has recently become popular among South Korean women, who are known for their pursuit of beauty.
A standardized definition of minor and major complications was applied to all adverse events occurring within 30 days of surgery.
Placement of a pacemaker requires minor surgery, which is usually done in a hospital or special heart treatment laboratory.
The fitness of the Liverpool star dominated the pre-match headlines but, as expected, he was included from the start just four weeks after undergoing minor knee surgery.
Conclusion IU demonstrates valuable applicability in liver surgery with high sensitivity in capturing minor lesions and accuracy in guiding resection margin.
The Manchester United winger recently underwent minor surgery after picking up a slight knock in a pre-season game for South Korea.
朴智星正在与时间赛跑,以赶上新赛季的开始。 这位曼联边锋刚刚进行了一个小手术,他是在为韩国队备战时受伤的。
Unbelievably, the self-proclaimed "master of wizardry" created a single-horned creature, using minor surgery on a goat, which made front page news in America.
This will not be the day to have minor surgery.
Although Del Piero and Camoranesi have minor niggles, Trezeguet is out for four months after deciding to have right kneecap tendon surgery.
Method To analysis the clinical files of 42 cases of spontaneous pneumothorax patients treated though the minor incision operation with video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery retrospectively.
Conclusion SLIPA TM is an acceptable and alternative method for LMA, exerting similar clinical performance with easier placement, less sore trauma and more stable IPPV during minor surgery.
结论SLIPATM喉罩的临床性能与LMA相似,是一种可替代lma的通气道。SLIPA TM喉罩操作简便,对咽喉损伤较小,维持间歇正压通气较L MA更为稳定。
Conclusion SLIPA TM is an acceptable and alternative method for LMA, exerting similar clinical performance with easier placement, less sore trauma and more stable IPPV during minor surgery.
结论SLIPATM喉罩的临床性能与LMA相似,是一种可替代lma的通气道。SLIPA TM喉罩操作简便,对咽喉损伤较小,维持间歇正压通气较L MA更为稳定。