And I love the minty rose sweet smell.
Leaves teeth sparkling white and mouth minty fresh.
Looks like grass, smells minty and taste similar to lemon.
The nose has nuances of blackberries supported by the minty scent of Cabernet.
Nice minty taste and is my new favorite paste. I use it with my electric brush.
This mask smells minty, yummy, and fresh. I have been using this mask for a year.
There's no better way to rid yourself of morning breath and begin your day minty fresh and clean.
The invigorating minty tingle will stimulate your scalp and give those lazy hair follicles a good prod.
And I love the minty rose sweet smell. The taste isn't terrible if you accidentally get some in your mouth!
Characters have names like "Minty Maris"; an Indian man is "walnut-skinned"; a mountain range is "berry-stain purple".
Menthol adds a cool, minty taste, for example, but also has anesthetic effects, helping starters start and smokers get a 'medicinal' feeling.
Chewing gums with strong minty flavors are stimulating, and the mere act of chewing is something of a tonic to a brain succumbing to lethargy.
Munching 1 ona piece of minty fresh gum makes you swallow too much air, whichgets trapped in your digestive system causing pressure, bloatingand gas.
Munching on a piece of minty fresh gum makes you swallow too much air, which gets trapped in your digestive system causing pressure, bloating and gas.
For those who prefer a sweeter and not minty version I recommend the honey Beesewax balm, that tastes like brown sugar, caramel and gooey golden honey.
Thailand's breakfast offering – you'll find this dish at stalls throughout Thailand. It's a minty spicy fish with a sweet & spicy pork, served with rice.
Another filthy habit men need to avoid is neglecting their teeth with poor oral hygiene; just because your breath tastes minty fresh, doesn't mean it really is.
Having analysed the "W-algebra", "K-tree terms" and "MINTY", the three typical methods of generating direct tree terms, the paper advances a new topological one.
本文在对“王氏代数”、“k -树组”和“MINTY”这三种求有向树组的典型方法进行分析之后,提出了一种生成有向树组的拓扑方法。
Sales of air fresheners and deodorizers also dropped. "If you're lucky enough to have a couple of extra dollars, do you really need your bathroom to smell minty fresh?" asks Shea.
"This is the first time that new media worked as a proven concept for how a mainstream media organization can cover an event like this online, " says Riyaad Minty, a new media analyst with Al Jazeera.
"This is the first time that new media worked as a proven concept for how a mainstream media organization can cover an event like this online, " says Riyaad Minty, a new media analyst with Al Jazeera.