Jim Cathey of Qualcomm says e-reader screens based on mirasol will go into production in 2010.
However Mirasol, as Qualcomm's method is known, merely USES MEMs to turn a pixel on or off (by reflecting either one wavelength of light, or none at all).
OLED is still too expensive to source in quantity and obviously transflective technologies such as Pixel Qi and Mirasol aren't ready to use on tablets yet.
New color display technologies like Qualcomm's Mirasol and another MIT IT-offshoot called Pixel Qi proved unreliable and difficult to produce in large quantities.
Qualcomm, a maker of wireless chips used in mobile phones, has developed a display technology called mirasol that could prove to be ideally suited to e-readers.
The release of the screen has been delayed several times, but senior vice President Clarence Chui said devices "in the e-reader class" using the Mirasol display will ship by the year's end.
尽管产品的发布被一拖再拖,但公司高级副总裁Clarence Chui宣布年底会有搭载Mirasol显示屏的电子阅读器发布。
The release of the screen has been delayed several times, but senior vice President Clarence Chui said devices "in the e-reader class" using the Mirasol display will ship by the year's end.
尽管产品的发布被一拖再拖,但公司高级副总裁Clarence Chui宣布年底会有搭载Mirasol显示屏的电子阅读器发布。