I saw in him a mirror image of myself.
Lacking a mirror image in the mother who raised me, I had to seek my identity as a woman on my own.
Although we will be looking closely at the request, the response is simply the mirror image of the request.
The fatty acids have no chirality; their mirror image is the same molecule.
Experiments conducted in its ALPHA laboratory found a way of using strong, complex magnetic fields and a vacuum to capture and hold the mirror-image particles apart from ordinary matter.
Mr Xie is one of a number of Chinese who sees the car boom as a mirror image of the growing social divide in China.
So everything that goes on in our cosmos is simply a mirror image of these battles that are going on the heavens.
Checking his work against other ancient and modern primates, Suwa rebuilt a virtual skull and made a mirror image of part of the face to create its missing left side (brown section).
Enlargement fatigue has a mirror image: apathy and resentment.
But there is at least one viable alternative to LUCA: the mirror image of the entire system.
Today's productivity dip may be the mirror image of that, as job growth catches up with output.
The figure allegedly appears when the 15th Century mural painting is superimposed with its mirror image, and both are made partially transparent.
Bulk ships are the mirror image of container ships: they sail for China fully laden and return nearly empty.
The Mirror Image takes our external entity and turns it into part of the system.
In Galen's model each element of the generative system is common to both women and men, a mirror image of each other.
Effects include dissolves, mirror image, sepia, iris effects, fades, TV-shop and many more.
However, the sense of the provided and the required interfaces for the consumer is the mirror image of the sense of the provided and the required interfaces for the provider.
They are a mirror image to our towering achievements above ground and, like the pyramids, they are both monument and tomb.
Basically, when we invoke the Mirror Image pattern, we analyze the behavior of an external entity and then create its likeness in our own system.
The Mirror Image and Session Facade patterns are useful for changing actors in use case diagrams into valid abstractions in class diagrams, which ultimately results in a cleaner translation to code.
Using patterns such as Mirror Image and Session Facade, we can trace the creation of classes to reflect the identity of, or services provided by, an external entity.
Rather, they are a mirror image of the corporation itself.
A weaker dollar, or the mirror image of a stronger renminbi, would be no exception to that time-honored premise.
In a horizontally symmetrical flag, the bottom half of the blue square is a mirror image of the top half.
If I showed you a picture of yourself versus a mirror image of yourself and asked which one you'd like more, the answer is very strong.
In mirror image, the influence of foreign firms in China is likely to be limited.
In mirror image, the influence of foreign firms in China is likely to be limited.