What is the world to do about such misbegotten states?
What should ail me to harm this misbegotten and miserable babe?
None of us is immune to the heartaches and sorrows that inhabit this misbegotten world.
On the telephone I feel as if I am testifying in court and a stenographer is taking down every misbegotten syllable.
Afterwards it strikes me what that movie is, and I reel out of the cinema like a suitor at the end of a misbegotten date.
In A Moon for the Misbegotten by Eugene O'Neill, the hero and heroine are representatives of the lost moderns in the early twentieth century.
EXAMPLE: My elderly aunt has never met a foreigner, and she has many strange, misbegotten ideas about how dangerous and unpleasant they must be.
Over a decade ago I spent a year working at a "residence club" that I'll call Hampton House, a kind of misbegotten hybrid somewhere between a five-star hotel and a youth hostel.
Or away from the bad past anyway, the recent, misbegotten past, and into a better past, all mythy and sweetly vigorous, into that America where the future was full of endless possibility.
或者就是远离糟糕的过去,最近的一团遭的过去,创造那充满奇迹,朝气蓬勃的过往; 回到那个未来一切皆有可能的美国;
Or away from the bad past anyway, the recent, misbegotten past, and into a better past, all mythy and sweetly vigorous, into that America where the future was full of endless possibility.
或者就是远离糟糕的过去,最近的一团遭的过去,创造那充满奇迹,朝气蓬勃的过往; 回到那个未来一切皆有可能的美国;