There is also a bit of a mix-and-match situation here as you define the right approach for your organization.
The image builder can simply choose the relevant operating system and software bundles and mix-and-match them to create customized virtual images.
Assembling mix-and-match genomes with lots of different combinations of cassettes that each contain but a handful of genes should shed light on the question.
You can mix and match courses to suit your requirements.
Tactfully, Whisker gave Kate suggestions on how best to mix and match the clothes she already owned while also suggesting new additions.
You can even mix and match types.
A user can mix and match open source software with any other software.
You could then mix and match them to test for different scenarios like cheap rent with a high cost of utilities, or low transportation costs with a credit card debt.
For each category, architects and designers can either choose one of these default patterns or mix and match to achieve a specific result.
Instead, you're free to mix and match and choose what works best for your business.
For overall solution developers, this creates the ability to mix and match rules with other implementation types, applying the most appropriate technology for each component in an overall solution.
You can mix and match these security filters to create a very custom security experience.
There are many options available and you can mix and match your techniques to design the perfect backup plan for your circumstances.
Consumers, the French hope, will be able to mix and match players and stores as easily as they do ties and shirts.
You can also use components from other robot kits and mix and match them to make fantastic creations.
Also note that many popular tools can be easily integrated with a CMS, so mix and match as appropriate.
In such cases, it is perfectly valid to mix and match top level patterns to develop new composite or custom patterns.
Unlike other VPN solutions, you can mix and match different underlying transports between different hosts while still supporting and creating the same basic virtual network environment.
For the past couple of years, the SVG community has investigated new ways of leveraging the XML basis of SVG to mix and match namespaces in an SVG document.
The standard mathematical operators, +, -, /, * are supported on both integer and floating point values, and you can mix and match floating-point and integers in calculations.
在整数和浮点数上,都支持使用标准的数学操作符(+、-、/ 和 *),可以在算式中混合使用浮点数和整数。
Fourth, now that I have small building blocks, method reuse becomes easier because now I can mix and match them.
They create more firms than regular folk; they circulate ideas, money and skills; they fill skills gaps; and they mix and match knowledge from different parts of the world.
Some SOA initiatives might need to mix and match multiple authentication and authorization mechanisms.
So design convergence was part of the process-the teams and the judges, as time passed, could mix and match features from different submissions.
Then use colorful accessories, such as scarves, ties, jewelry, belts etc., to change up and mix and match your outfits every day.
You can mix and match different products and technologies to tailor a feed to your liking.
Users can freely mix and match storage of traditional SQL data and XML in a single table.
What this means for you: Don’t be afraid to mix and match neutrals.
Merlin, which has grown through acquisitions to become the industry's second-biggest operator, has a portfolio of brands that it can mix and match.
Composites can be nested to any level, and can mix and match controls and composites as children.