MK: Quite by accident, actually.
Susan: He works at MK Industries.
A typical make file could look like
MK II for invention purposes as the BPC requirement.
Mk. 1:18 And immediately leaving the nets, they followed Him.
Stability test was carried out on other aromatic amines related to MK.
Very few had even heard of the Stargate Project, MK Ultra and Project Jedi.
Can Learn: Critical Strike, Nanosteel Net, MK-2 Nano Processor, Engineering Skills.
可以学习:,致命攻击,纳米钢网,MK - 2微型能量发生器,工程技能。
Mk. 3:35 For whoever does the will of God, this one is My brother and sister and mother.
Stars are typically classified by their spectrum in what is known as the Morgan-Keenan or MK system.
恒星根据它们的光谱被分为典型的几类,这就是摩根-基南(Morgan-Keenan )分类法,即MK系统。
Ultimate MK is a sharp fighting game that's still a lot of fun, but only against live opponents.
Mk. 2:24 And the Pharisees said to Him, Look! Why are they doing on the Sabbath what is not lawful?
A complete MK designation includes both spectral type and luminosity class -for instance, the sun is a G2V.
一个完整的MK系统代号包含光谱类型和光度型两部分——例如,太阳属于G 2 V类恒星。
Neurons were assigned randomly into control group, hypoxia group, OGD group, MK-801 group and d-APV group.
将神经细胞随机分为正常对照组、单纯缺氧组、无糖缺氧组、MK- 801组和d - APV组。
Mk. 2:20 But days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day.
In fact, this occurrence led to Canon making a number of changes to the D5 Mk II, adding frame speed adjustment, for example.
实际上这也促使佳能在5d MkII上做了一些改变,比如增加了帧速调整功能。
Aeromarine is responsible for the installations and technical support for integration with the ships' MK-92 combat systems.
该设备由aeromarine公司负责提供,该公司还负责雷达系统安装及集成MK- 92作战系统的技术支持。
Conclusion: MK-1 attachment adapt free-end case that abutment teeth were fixed and can gain relatively satisfactory effect.
结论:MK - 1附着体适应用于基牙稳固的末端游离缺损病例,并能获得较为理想的修复效果。
Mk. 1:10 and immediately, coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens being parted and the Spirit as a dove descending upon Him.
The soil-water characteristic curve was reckoned by using MK model based on the basic soil parameters of unsaturated expansive soil.
NGF was combined with MK-801 to treat cerebral ischemia by two different ways. The forebrain infarct volume was estimated by TTC method.
用两种不同给药方法,联合应用ngf和MK- 801两种不同类型的神经保护剂,TT C法检测大鼠前脑梗塞体积。
The MK is transported as a complete machine with telescopic tower, trolley jib, complete ballast, power generation unit and elevating cab.
The main technical specification, specialty, structure of parts and field application cases of MK-7 Hydraulic Gallery Rigs are introduced.
着重介绍MK - 7型全液压坑道钻机的主要技术参数、钻机特点、部件结构、现场应用情况。
Mk. 1:13 and he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild animals, and the angels ministered to Him.
Brice Taylor is the pseudonym for Susan Ford, one of the highest level MK Ultra mind controlled victims to ever come forward and reveal her story.
Brice Taylor is the pseudonym for Susan Ford, one of the highest level MK Ultra mind controlled victims to ever come forward and reveal her story.