They will offer mobile VoIP as a premium service with additional features such as instant messaging and “presence” information.
The smartphone application allows access to the LotusLive network and collaboration services, including Webcasting services, instant messaging, and more, from the mobile device.
智能电话应用程序可以通过移动设备访问LotusLive网络和协作服务,包括Webcasting 服务、即时通讯等等。
Computer hackers will open a new front in the multi-billion pound "cyberwar" in 2007, targeting mobile phones, instant messaging and community Web sites such as MySpace, security experts predict.
With so many people turning to their mobile phones for text messaging and mobile search, it's an easy, cost-effective way for businesses to provide instant customer service.
"Instant messaging applications such as Weibo and Wechat are still used the most among mobile Internet users, followed by online shopping apps, including Taobao and Jingdong, " Yin said.
The report said the most popular type of mobile APP for Chinese online mobile users was instant messaging, and among that, the most popular APP was WeChat, followed by QQ.
Instant Messaging Enables users to exchange instant messages from mobile devices.
These include emails, SMS texts, instant messaging, multimedia messages and other mobile phone messaging.
The old fixed-line telephone has been replaced by mobile phones, Short Message Service (SMS), e-mail and instant messaging (IM).
It's no wonder this medium is becoming more and more dependent on mobile technology, and deeply connected to instant messaging tools.
It's no wonder this medium is becoming more and more dependent on mobile technology, and deeply connected to instant messaging tools.