Patients receive a mobile phone message telling them how they are doing.
Collection of public opinion from Internet and mobile phone message can make university recognize the social psychological crisis response.
Patients receive a mobile phone message telling them how they are doing. If their blood pressure is too high, they are advised to make an appointment with their doctor.
What's more, when people are in danger and there is no mobile phone signal, they can use Beidou to send a 1200-word message to ask for help.
Notification of the gift is send to a person's mobile phone along with a personalized text message.
Last time, I gave a high-level overview of SyncML, and showed what happened when I captured the first SyncML message sent from my Ericsson R520m mobile phone to my Web server.
上一次,我从很高的角度简要介绍了SyncML,并向您展示了从我的Ericssonr 520 m型移动电话向我的Web服务器发送的第一条SyncML消息。
I could not text message you because my mobile phone has been on the blink ever since I dropped it in the lake.
She loves her mobile phone, she said, because she no longer has to walk miles simply to give a message to a friend.
You're not alone, with an Australian survey showing one in three mobile phone users are text message snoops, and the consequences can often be heart-breaking.
For many people, a text or mobile Facebook message is seen as less intrusive than a phone call, which asks the recipient to interrupt what they're doing and answer.
"People are used to paying something for content and services on a mobile phone, whether it's a text message or a download or ringtone or wallpaper," he says.
Your mobile phone network provider may charge you for each message or may block the software from sending messages.
Cathay Pacific is not liable for non-delivery of messages, and cannot guarantee the accuracy, timeliness or reliability of mobile phone text message or email sent to your ISP.
It is not rude to write email English, but it is important to use it only at the proper time-when you are emailing a friend, or sending a message to a friend on a mobile phone.
写电子邮件英语并非不无礼,但重要的是只能在合适的时间去写- - - - -当你给朋友发邮件或用手机给朋友发短信时。
She had sent a brief message to the cable operator complaining that she couldn't find out how to get her mobile phone bill itemised.
Message delivery timing may vary according to mobile phone network carrier.
Took out from his backpack, mobile phone, according to a number that are familiar, giving Dad, that beloved man, made a message.
Meanwhile, the web will also send message to the mobile phone of contact person.
Can I take a message or would you like to ring him on his mobile phone?
Tip: Save the text message sender as a contact in your mobile phone, so you'll have it handy when you need it.
Do you know how to send a multimedia message on this mobile phone?
Your mobile phone is not repeated at, my message, but others.
As soon as one of the country's major banks detects ATM use in Chengdu, it sends a message to the mobile phone of the account holder offering free insurance, presuming the customer is volunteering.
In reality, I found a message from Steven in my mobile phone yesterday. He told me that he would accompany Molly to have a drink because she got angry with Jack.
Thirdy, for teenager, it is too easily become shortsighted, because they except studying, someone like playing games or sending message and enter QQ by mobile phone.
Along with development of information epoch at very fast speed, the way of data communication between person and person may be implemented by short message system on mobile phone.
Iguacu borders on Paraguay and Argentina. After the flight landed, I even received a short message from the government of Argentina to every Chinese mobile phone user.
It delivers strong authentication via a range of easy verification options-phone call, text message, mobile app notification or verification code.
It delivers strong authentication via a range of easy verification options-phone call, text message, mobile app notification or verification code.