The mobile phone text message, Christine to get up on see, pretty strange message from "good night, to dreamed I ah".
Cathay Pacific is not liable for non-delivery of messages, and cannot guarantee the accuracy, timeliness or reliability of mobile phone text message or email sent to your ISP.
I could not text message you because my mobile phone has been on the blink ever since I dropped it in the lake.
For many people, a text or mobile Facebook message is seen as less intrusive than a phone call, which asks the recipient to interrupt what they're doing and answer.
You're not alone, with an Australian survey showing one in three mobile phone users are text message snoops, and the consequences can often be heart-breaking.
"People are used to paying something for content and services on a mobile phone, whether it's a text message or a download or ringtone or wallpaper," he says.
Notification of the gift is send to a person's mobile phone along with a personalized text message.
Tip: Save the text message sender as a contact in your mobile phone, so you'll have it handy when you need it.
It delivers strong authentication via a range of easy verification options-phone call, text message, mobile app notification or verification code.
It's become a part of everyday language for many people, describing the action of sending a text message on a mobile phone.
The graphical sub-elements can include a telephone, mobile phone, instant message, camera, video camera, microphone, text-message, document, headset, or email icon.
Closeup of woman is reading text message on mobile phone in network, while is sitting with laptop computer in co-working cafe.
Closeup of woman is reading text message on mobile phone in network, while is sitting with laptop computer in co-working cafe.