First, I need to mock up a description of what I might want to say about the data in Listing 2.
I have included a mock up drawing of the areas of concern.
First, I need to mock up a description of what I might want to say about the data in.
The first step is creating a mock up, doodle, or even just a sketch the layout on a napkin.
The client can have a full high-resolution mock up about two hours from receipt of the concept.
Please note that we need wheels for this chair after the mock up room comments and of very good quality.
The Meizu M8 was widely promoted in mock up form within weeks of Apple's January 2007 iPhone announcement.
Notice that I just mock up some flight data in a HashMap rather than setting up the full MVC infrastructure.
That's why we recommend testing mock up designs, existing websites and even competitor websites before the development phase of a project.
The product is capable of capturing SOAP requests and responses to create test requests, test cases and mock up services. The tool can even create WSDLs for these mock up services.
We have been contributing comments and prototype implementations to the Refinements discussion, and will continue to mock up sample implementations as the specification progresses.
There's a mock-up of the main street where the Goodwins go shopping.
It is capped with a mock-up of the Ares I second stage, Orion capsule and launch abort system.
The next phase of research will use mock-up courts to see whether private views change when people join a jury and are required to discuss their opinions.
Ikea’s 2040 mock-up kitchen features loads of new gadgets and gizmos to help us out in the domestic realm.
In an undated picture, a mock-up of the A-12 spy plane sits perched upside down on a testing pylon at Area 51-part of radar tests to reveal revealed how visible, or invisible, the design was to radar.
在一张未标明日期的图片中,一架实物模型的A - 12间谍飞机倒挂着停放在51区的一个测试塔上,这是为了测试该飞机的外观在雷达上可视或不可视的程度。
However, do we need perfectly semantic code if we're only creating a mock-up?
During that time, the Marines conducted a successful proof of concept at Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah, where they released bats over a mock-up of a Japanese city.
Two volunteers cut off from the rest world for eight months stepped out on a mock-up of Mars on Monday, reaching the dramatic half-way point of their experimental "voyage" to the Red Planet.
This would be a miserable UI for the real program, of course, but this is just a mock-up.
In the mock-up, the bank was a simple spreadsheet, one row per day.
Still, it is often more natural to start with CSS, maybe from a visual mock-up of some sort.
More than 640 kilometers, about 400 miles, from the ocean, a full-size mock-up sits next to a lake in Wuhan.
Even training on the ground in a mock-up module is deemed a transfer of technology and therefore subject to controls.
A mock-up, then, is something you pungle together out of duct tape, chewing gum, paper clips, cardboard, and paint just to test a concept that you don't necessarily want to implement.
A mock-up, then, is something you pungle together out of duct tape, chewing gum, paper clips, cardboard, and paint just to test a concept that you don't necessarily want to implement.