The subsequent experiments on a piezoelectric beam show that the structural modal damping ratio can be promo...
The subsequent experiments on a piezoelectric beam show that the structural modal damping ratio can be promoted significantly.
The results show that modal damping ratio of cable system with MR damper is more increased, it has well effect of mitigating vibration.
The natural frequency, modal shape and modal damping ratio of the typical structural of composite wallboard (rapid wall) system are got by dynamic behavior measurement.
Firstly, the composite modal damping ratio should be adopted in dynamic analysis of SSI system, and then the method how to estimate the composite modal damping ratio of SSI system was illustrated.
Eigenfrequency, vibration pattern and damping ratio can be got by modal experiment. Then, these parameters can be used to structural design and optimization.
The modal strain energy ratio of PAF to whole system is a critical variable to evaluate the contribution of the CDL to the whole system damping.
The modal strain energy ratio of PAF to whole system is a critical variable to evaluate the contribution of the CDL to the whole system damping.