Visually differentiate modeless dialogs from modal dialogs.
I'm a little fuzzy on the proper terms related to modal dialogs.
ZK's ease with handling modal dialogs makes it a really convenient technology to use.
You might have noticed that the tooltips and modal dialogs aren't really traditional Ajax calls.
Using modal dialogs has long been shunned by many developers as too constraining on the user.
There are two types of dialog boxes: modal and modeless. Modal dialogs boxes are, by far, the most common variety.
Consequently, modeless dialogs can be much more challenging to design and implement than modal dialogs, which avoid these issues by freezing application state.
Modal dialogs and tooltips made sense for Customize Me Now because the content rendered inside them was manageable in size and employed a simple scrolling interface.
模式对话框和工具提示对Customize MeNow很有效,这是因为在其中呈现的内容的大小是可管理的,所使用的界面也只是简单的滚动界面。
Using these libraries, you streamlined the user flow of Customize Me Now by replacing popups, off-site links, and navigational side streets with modal dialogs, tooltips, and lightboxes.
Modal shells, which are most often used for dialogs, prevent the parent GUI (if any) from proceeding until the child shell is closed.
Dialogs to save Windows as PICT files are now window - modal and accept long filenames.
The concepts of modal and modeless dialogs are derived from programmers' terms. They affect our design, but we must also examine dialogs from a goal-directed point of view.
The concepts of modal and modeless dialogs are derived from programmers' terms. They affect our design, but we must also examine dialogs from a goal-directed point of view.