It is used in many other projects that benefit from model-driven software development.
Model-driven approaches to software and system development have been in use for some time.
What do you see as the future of Model Driven Software Development (MDSD) in general and Code Generation in particular?
Many software developers are using standard modeling languages with a model-driven development (MDD) process to improve productivity, quality, and communication.
These standards enable engineers and software designers to significantly improve their productivity by transitioning from a code-based development process to model-driven development (MDD).
A tool that supports both a model-driven and code-centric view of the software under construction will be useful to everyone involved in a development project, including non-technical managers.
Thus, it is becoming very important to utilize Model-Driven development (MDD) to speed up software development in SOA.
Models and model driven software development are at the heart of the MDA approach.
Along with the boom of Web services and the thriving model Driven Architecture (MDA), we must consider the growing significance and utility of modeling in the development of software and solutions.
随着Web服务的繁荣,以及模型驱动架构(Model Driven Architecture,MDA)的兴旺,我们必须考虑软件和解决方案的开发中的建模的不断增长的重要性和效用。
Model-driven development (MDD), otherwise known as model-driven engineering (MDE), is a software engineering approach based on models and transformations.
模型驱动开发(Model - driven development,MDD)也称为模型驱动的工程(Model - driven Engineering,MDE),是一种基于模型和转换的软件工程方法。
When you pursue a Model Driven development (MDD) approach to software development, your success consistently relies on the use of abstractions.
当您使用模型驱动的开发(Model Driven Development,MDD)方法进行软件开发时,您的成功一贯依赖于抽象的使用。
The following sections illustrate how the aspect logging pattern can be applied in a model-driven development environment of Rational Software Architect to the catalog controller.
以下的部分将说明可以如何在Rational Software Architect的模型驱动的开发环境中将aspect日志记录模式应用到Catalog控制器。
This article, Part 2 of the series, highlights the key tooling support of IBM Rational Software Architect that is related to model-driven development, patterns, and asset-based development.
本文,也就是系列的第2部分,强调了与模型驱动开发、模式和基于资产的开发相关的IBMRational Software Architect的重要工具支持。
Models: Demonstrate how the Rational Software architect tool supports a Model-Driven Development (MDD) approach to the specification of service-oriented architectures.
模型:说明Rational Software Architect工具如何支持面向服务体系结构的规范的模型驱动开发(Model - Driven Development,MDD)方法。
Rational Software architect is an integrated design and development tool that leverages model-driven development with the UML for creating well-architected applications and services.
Rational Software Architect是集成的设计和开发工具,它利用使用UML的模型驱动开发来创建结构良好的应用程序和服务。
You can see the advantage that the full tooling support of Rational Software Architect gives you for model-driven development and patterns.
您可以看到Rational Software Architect的完整工具支持为您的模型驱动开发和模式带来的优势。
In model driven development, services are UML models class models with the UML 2.0 Profile for Software services applied.
在模型驱动的开发中,服务是应用了UML 2.0ProfileforSoft wareServices的UML模型类模型。
Making the most of model-driven development with Rational Software Architect's integrated design and development tools.
利用Rational Software Architec的集成设计和开发工具进行大多数模型驱动开发。
These features are included in the Rational Software Architect family of products for facilitating model-driven development.
Rational Software Architect家族的产品都包含上述的这些特性,可以促进采用模型驱动开发。
Models: Demonstrate how the Rational Software architect supports a model-driven development (MDD) approach to the specification of service-oriented architectures.
模型:示范Rational Software Architect如何支持驱动模型开发(MDD)的方法,该方法用于面向服务的架构的规范。
IBM Rational Software architect is a design and construction tool that leverages model-driven development with UML to help you create well-architected applications and services.
IBMRational Software Architect是一个影响模型驱动开发的分析和构建工具,帮助你建立构建良好的应用和服务。
Rational Software Architect is an integrated design and development tool that leverages model-driven development with UML.
Rational Software Architect是一个集成式的设计和开发工具,它利用了UML的模型驱动开发。
Models. Demonstrate how Rational Software architect supports a model-driven development (MDD) approach to the specification of service-oriented architectures.
示范Rational Software Architect是如何支持模型驱动的开发(MDD)方法的,该方法用于面向服务的体系架构的规范。
Developers at Site a can also leverage Rational Software Modeler for model-driven development with UML.
Sitea的开发者同时也可以采用Rational Software Modeler进行模型驱动的UML开发。
Modeling improvements are just the start of the capabilities that Rational Software architect V7.0 provides you with to keep a steady hand on your model driven architectural development process.
建模改进只是Rational Software ArchitectV7.0为您提供的,用来扎实地把握模型驱动架构开发过程能力的开始。
Because of the growing importance of model driven technology, a number of model-based software development strategies have been proposed.
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is a development method which can generate useable software products directly by the model.
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is a development method which can generate useable software products directly by the model.