For those buildings that are beyond the limits of code for design of buildings, it is an effective way to study the earthquake-resistant behaviors of superhigh buildings by model shaking table test.
Artificial damping boundary is adopted in seismic model test of arch dam on shaking table to simulate the radiation damping effect due to energy dissipation in infinitive foundation.
On the basis of dynamic similitude analysis, a model soil which is mainly composed of sawdust and aimed to be used in the shaking table test of the soil-foundation-structure system is designed.
The shaking table test of a 1/10 scale multi rib wall plate lightweight frame model with a height of ten stories is elucidated.
Shaking table test for the model structure.
Validity of the computational model and method is verified through comparison between the results of the shaking table test and numerical analysis.
The design of scale model is one of keys to insure that shaking table test can really reflect the dynamic characters of prototype.
Analytical results of elastoplastic time history analysis correlated very well with the experimental results of the shaking table test, proving the validity of the proposed model.
The shaking table test of the structural model and the test of members are finished and the reasonable structural arrangement and the suitable construction measures are got.
In addition, a shaking table test of a scaled model based on the designed bui...
The shaking table test of a 4-story large-scale reinforced concrete model frame indicated that the model structure has abundant capacity of lateral seismic deformation.
The structural earthquake resistance characteristics of the ship lifter tower in Geheyan project are studied in model test on a 3 D six freedoms shaking table.
The structural earthquake resistance characteristics of the ship lifter tower in Geheyan project are studied in model test on a 3 D six freedoms shaking table.