When a resubmission is needed, the throttling mediation returns a modeled fault to the transformation and routing mediation.
This article shows you how to facilitate fault handling within a BPEL process so you can make use of modeled faults, even though the Web service does not expose any.
This is required if an unexpected error occurs and there is no fault handler specifically modeled to handle it.
Hardware and software attributes — scalability, real-time, fault tolerance, or embedded characteristics — will be modeled as well.
The difference between these methods is in how the geometry of the fault and rupture initiations are modeled and in the statistical model used to predict the future earthquakes.
A class of inverse problems of perpendicular fault effect are discussed, which are modeled by a first kind integral equation with an analytic kernel.
To overcome the difficulties on acquiring enough fault modes from ground and flight test data, the failure process for liquid propellant rocket propulsion systems was modeled.
In this paper, networked control systems are modeled based on information scheduling scheme and the fault detection problems of them are studied.
According to the fault type of the flight control surfaces, they are classified and modeled.
Sag state estimation observability analysis is modeled and correlative modification method is proposed from the point of fault current superimposing firstly.
The method of this paper has the following characteristics: 1)any simple or complex fault can be modeled accurately, including metallic short circuit faults and open conductor faults;
Furthermore, fault events are modeled and made into analysis based on the risk analysis theory of fault tree. After that equipment failure characters are confirmed and key factors are exacted.
Furthermore, fault events are modeled and made into analysis based on the risk analysis theory of fault tree. After that equipment failure characters are confirmed and key factors are exacted.