The activity diagram, use case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram and the class diagram are used for building the analysis and design model of the sedimentary facies modeling system.
系统中采用了活动图、 用例图、顺序图、交互图和类图建立沉积相建模系统的分析和设计模型。
Unified Modeling Language(UML) use case diagram was used to denote the function requirements of the system.
The system development is divided into 5 steps: use case modeling, class diagram analysis, database design, program implementation, installation manual.
Please analyze all the use cases found in use case modeling, find out the related classes the relationships between them, then draw class diagram by using Rational Rose.
请对用例建模查找到的所有用例进行用例分析,找出相关的类及其相互间的关系,并使用Rational Rose画出类图。
Please analyze all the use cases found in use case modeling, find out the related classes the relationships between them, then draw class diagram by using Rational Rose.
请对用例建模查找到的所有用例进行用例分析,找出相关的类及其相互间的关系,并使用Rational Rose画出类图。