This is handy when exchanging process models between the process modeller and e.g. a simulation tool.
"We don't know how much dark matter is outside of what we're measuring," says galaxy modeller Christopher Mihos of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.
But he was hardly an outcast. Though not properly trained as an economist, he had proved himself as a macroeconomic modeller, and had been made a university professor of applied economics.
The medical model - oriented ct modeller system can directly interface not only with a ct scanner but with RP or CAD systems, and a medical model can rapidly and accurately be manufactured via it.
One of the authors, the epidemiologist and disease modeller Neil Ferguson, who sits on the World Health Organisation's crisis committee for the eruption, said the virus had "full pandemic latent".
One of the authors, the epidemiologist and disease modeller Neil Ferguson, who sits on the World Health Organisation's crisis committee for the eruption, said the virus had "full pandemic latent".