For civil engineering continually modern human society to create a new physical environment, human society, modern civilization has become an important part.
On the other side, the powerful performance is built on expending high energy and making lots of pollution. It is the opposite side of environment protection in modern human society.
The Affluent Society is a modern classic because it helped define a new moment in the human condition.
Modern society is a mere blip on the screen of human evolution.
It is commonly thought that our society had dramatically changed by modern science and technology, and human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.
The phenomenon of human damage to natural ecological system appears with the increasing urbanization in the modern society since 18th century.
In modern society, because of the extremely scarce senior human resources and recognition of the value of talent, senior talent has become the target of competing parties and the main chase.
Three characteristics of fictitious society have been exerting more and more pressure to modern human economic and social living.
Modern private relief, as the supplement for public relief, consists of th ree legal form, including plea, self-help and self-defence, is the production of the development of human society.
In modern society, education plays a pivotal role in the socialization process of human beings.
In the modern world, scientific technology has a much more effect on human society than ever before.
In modern society, trauma is one of main causes impairing human life and safety.
Because of the philosophical and psychological influences on him, Lawrence concerns much about human psyche in modern society.
"Authoritative population" refers to the social groups in power who plays the important role in social life, impacting development of human resources, the parity and efficiency of modern society.
In modern society, the value of human loses gradually, whether is the ideal personality possible?
Information civilization is the historical civilization created by human society of information age. It takes modern information technology and information economy as its foundation.
Modern administrative law, with humanism as its spirit core, gives full play to the subjectivity of human beings and pushes modern society towards responsive model of administration.
A variety of agents and organizations appear in modern society. They deeply affect human being in the aspect of living way, acting way and thinking way. At the same time change our social foundation.
In modern society, the environmental impact of infiltration in the various fields of human activity and all aspects of human life.
It is commonly thought that our society had dramatically changed by modern science and technology, and human had made amazing progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.
Showing concern for vulnerable groups is the reflect of high civilization in human society, and also the real spirit of modern library.
It can be seen from this that the author gives the vital solution to the problem that the system of human care of modern society must be structured.
Waiting for Godot, Beckett's masterpiece, contains the absurdity of life in metaphors, which expresses his reflection on human life and reveals the alienation and absurdity of life in modern society.
Modern age is called net age which is based on the important function of network for modern society and human being.
In the modern progress of human society, the meaning of responsibility constantly extends, and it is more necessary for modern people to have responsibility education.
Even in today's more modern society, business management and human resources literature is filled with techniques and ideas for dealing with the dynamics of change within an organization.
At present, the spiritual crisis of human society has brought modern education to face criticisms from various parts of the society.
Throughout his whole life, Marx consistently criticized the morality, law, and state of modern society, and pursued human freedom.
Throughout his whole life, Marx consistently criticized the morality, law, and state of modern society, and pursued human freedom.