Easy language used to write plug-in module package, in order to become a VIP I spell it!
The paper detailedly introduces the framework of software platform and the function of modules, and summarily introduces the module package of monitor and control equipment.
Use prefixes that indicate the package or module.
This module is a complete package that supports user authentication.
In case you do want to use this article as a guide to the code, I've included occasional references to package and module names so you know where to look.
An SCA module is not just another type of package.
The module name is essentially the package structure where your GWT XML file resides minus the file extensions.
The convention used by the UML-to-SOA transformation is to create module project names based on the fully qualified name of the service provider component, as determined by its containing package.
UML 到 SOA转变使用规则,基于服务提供商构件完全有效的名字用于创建模块项目名,由它包含的包决定。
It's the package containing the XML module file and then the file name of the XML without the extensions.
By providing this PLAN, we tell our COBOL load module exactly where to search for its PACKAGE.
To tell our load module (Twin 1) where to look for the PACKAGE (Twin 2), we give it a list of COLLECTIONs that it is allowed to search, by creating a PLAN.
The PACKAGE is written to the DIRECTORY (our DB2 “LOADLIB”) where it sits and waits for its twin, the program's load module, to find it.
程序包会被写入DIRECTORY(DB2 “LOADLIB”),它会在这里等待它的孪生兄弟,程序的加载模块会找到其孪生兄弟。
To download, install, and configure the module use the perl Package Manager (PPM) included with the ActiveState perl distribution you just installed.
为了下载、安装和配置该模块,可以使用刚才安装的ActiveStateperl发行版附带的perlPackageManager (ppm)。
Provided you package the archive with a valid service.xml and valid script or module, you can do just about anything you want.
如果您使用有效的service . xml和有效的脚本或模块打包归档,那么您就可以做任何您想做的事情。
The Twisted package itself was missing a support module, and what it was, exactly, was evidently not documented.
Transformation will generate module definition corresponding to this package within the NamingAuthority.idl file.
转换过程将在NamingAuthority . idl文件中生成相应于这个包的模块定义。
Is enough to create your module my: : Package and export the function my_function from it.
就足以创建模块my:Package,并从中导出函数my _ function。
The Basic text search DataBlade module USES the open source CLucene text search package.
It wasn't that Python lacked a breadth of module and package support (both Python native and extension modules).
EJB3LibraryEAR is the EAR project used to package the EJBs and the Web module in a single enterprise application.
Finally, the definition module sets the class attribute to declare that the new elements derive from topicref and are provided by the howto package.
DB2 9.7 now supports the concept of a module (this is similar to the concept of a Package in Oracle), that you can use to bundle related database object definitions.
DB 2 9.7现在支持模块概念(这与Oracle中的“包”概念相似)。可以使用模块把相关的数据库对象定义打包在一起。
Unlike all of the other frameworks this article discusses, z3c.testsetup does not, by default, care about the name of each Python module in a package, but about its content.
The code for this module will be a simple layer on top of LWP: : UserAgent, which is included in the libwww-perl package.
这个模块的代码将是在LWP:UserAgent上的一个简单层,它包含在libwww -perl包中。
The exporter module is provided within the Visual Configuration Explorer installation as part of the websphere-tools package.
导出模块在VisualConfigurationExplorer安装中作为websphere-tools 包的一部分提供。
Next install the SELinux policy module development package.
To package the Simple servlet as a Web module, start the assembly tool and choose the Create Web module Wizard from the list that is presented.
要将Simpleservlet打包为Web模块,可启动组装工具,然后从给出的列表中选择Create WebModuleWizard。
Short-Circuit module(SC) in Power System Analysis Software Package(PSASP) is one of the most widely used programs for the calculating of short-circuit in China.
And combine the function of optical network management module, writing some board support package (BSP). Designing the software based on this operating system and BSP on the whole finally.
Download the module from the download page if necessary. The minimal and typical package of G2 don't include this module.