Molecular biology of the cell. Chap 17.
Detlev Arendt of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg now thinks he can demonstrate that Dohrn was right. His evidence is published this week in Cell magazine.
德特勒夫·阿伦德特博士(Detlev Arendt)工作于德国海德尔堡的欧洲分子生物研究中心,现在他认为他能够证明多恩博士理论的正确性,他的证据发表在本周的细胞杂志上。
This is the website for Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, the University of Edinburgh.
Tumor is a kind of gene disease in the field of molecular biology, canceration is correlated with signal transduction system, regulate of cell cycle, differentiation and development of cell apoptosis.
This is the web page of Molecular Cell Biology.
The establishment of PC en cell line will provide a useful model in vitro for further investigating the cellular and molecular biology of exocrine and endocrine tumors of the pancreas.
Chemists sat Germany's Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology andGenetics found that the cheese is a lactose-free variety that was quick tomake.
德国普朗克分子细胞生物学与遗传学学院的化学家发现这块奶酪不含乳糖,而这种不含乳糖的奶酪可快速制成。 。
However, recent advances in molecular biology, genetics, and stem cell biology have provided scientists a new window onto the impact of toxic substances on the cellular and molecular level.
Now the MT-3T3 cell has been used in the research of molecular biology and molecular pathology.
目前MT - 3t 3细胞已经应用于分子生物学和分子病理学的研究。
Manjong Han is an assistant research professor in the department of cell and molecular biology at Tulane University.
Objective To discuss the diagnosis, treatments and the mechanism of the molecular biology for multiple renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
In addition, either the cell differentiation under the control of gene expression or the molecular drive mechanism reveals the theory of biology evolution from different aspects.
This is the website for Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology (ICMB), the University of Edinburgh.
Meet the biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, immunology and other needs of biotechnology experiments.
满足生物化学、分子生物学 、细胞生物学、免疫学等生物科技实验需求。
Cell and Tissue Research publishes regular articles and reviews in the areas of molecular, cell, and supracellular biology.
This enzyme is also extremely important in counteracting damage to our genetic material, " says Mikael Molin of the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology."
Besides, it also offers the Integrated cytogenetic and meiotic map of the bovine genome, bovine cell lines, tools of molecular biology and genetics, molecular biology protocols etc.
Molecular biology is a special branch of biology that deals with the molecular basis of biological activity related to molecular and cell.
The current and oral planting in the fields of research has focused on from the biological mechanical, molecular biology, cell biology aspects to accelerate grow interface healing.
The current and oral planting in the fields of research has focused on from the biological mechanical, molecular biology, cell biology aspects to accelerate grow interface healing.