The Quarren evolved deep in the murky oceans of Mon Calamari.
The result was a network of advanced, floating cities on Mon Calamari.
If the king was still alive, he could unite the Mon Calamari and the Quarren.
As a show of power, the Empire destroyed three Mon Calamari cities from orbit.
The Mon Calamari and the Quarren joined together to fight back against the invaders.
Thus, centuries ago, the Mon Calamari embarked on a bold and controversial experiment.
The Mon Calamari had been fighting the Empire for years before they joined the Alliance.
The Mon Calamari took up tools as armaments, and what little weapons they had, and fought back.
While both species speak the same native tongue, the Mon Calamari have adopted Basic as their language.
The Mon Calamari developed as coastal dwellers, living comfortably in both the water and on the surface.
The Mon Calamari developed culturally and technologically while the Quarren trailed behind as primitive savages.
Gungan fights next to Mon Calamari, clone next to Quarren, all united to battle the aqua droid and Karkarodon intruders.
Protection of the world was the responsibility of the Mon Calamari Defense Forces, staffed by Mon Cals and Quarren alike.
The Quarren would provide the raw materials and metals while the Mon Calamari refined them into useful items of technology.
Dowmeia filled the void left by Tikkes' departure. He originally hailed from a different faction of Quarren on Mon Calamari.
Nossor Ri asks Count Dooku if hunting down the prince is absolutely necessary given the current victory against the Mon Calamari.
So that's one of those things I think existed in the minds of fans forever, ever since we saw Mon Calamari in Return of the Jedi.
我想这是打从我们在《绝地归来》中见到Mon Calamari时起,就一直留存在影迷脑海中的几件事之一。
The Mon Calamari are able to descend to depths of up to 30 meters below sea level without requiring breathing or pressure apparatus.
The Mon Calamari then taught this new generation of Quarren mathematics, philosophy, science and the other foundations of civilization.
The more advanced Mon Calamari had the means to deflect such strikes time and again, but could not determine how to make the Quarren stop.
The mon calamari people are humanoid about1.7meters tall. they have salmon-colored skin high-domed heads webbed hands and large goggle -like eyes.
The Givin respect the Verpine and Duros for their shipbuilding talents, but cannot abide the Mon Calamari for their differing design philosophies.
吉文人敬佩弗派恩人(Verpine)和杜罗人(Duro)的造船天赋,但是无法认同蒙卡拉马里人(Mon Calamari)与自己相异的设计理念。
After the defeat of the Empire, Mon Calamari became one of the charter members of the Alliance of Free Planets, and the New Republic that followed.
击败帝国之后,蒙卡拉马里星成为自由行星联盟(Allianceof Free Planets)和其后的新共和的创始成员之一。
The Mon Calamari people are humanoid, about 1.7 Meters tall. They have salmon-colored skin, high-domed heads, webbed hands and large, goggle-like eyes.
The Mon Calamari were soon to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic, committing their shipyards to construct mighty warships for the growing Rebellion.
蒙卡拉马里星球不久后加入了重建共和国联盟(Allianceto Restorethe Republic),为正在壮大的反抗军贡献出船坞工厂,生产强大的舰船。
It became the subject of early Separatists attacks during the Clone Wars, with Mon Calamari Commander Merai leading a joint space and surface attack on the planet.
The Mon Calamari converted their beautiful exploration ships and space liners with weapon mounts and armor plating, turning them into the Mon Calamari star cruisers.
Senator Tundra Dowmeia, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Mon Calamari during the early days of the Clone Wars.
Senator Tundra Dowmeia, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Mon Calamari during the early days of the Clone Wars.