The problem with these models in China is that there is no assurance that increased employment and money in the pocket will be spent to boost the domestic economy.
Why do you think the rise in pocket money is often higher than inflation?
Now you've seen this table of figures about the pocket money children in Britain get?
From childhood, parents should give pocket money to their children and explain to them how to use money in a correct way and also tell them to save the money.
As the boy stood in doubt, Durbeyfield put his hand into his pocket, and produced a shilling (a unit of money used in Britain until 1971).
Fortunately, she had her mad money in her pocket to pay for the cake, so it turned out all right.
He is the very man in whose pocket I found my lost money.
Still, many people managed to pocket huge sums of money - notably, people in the financial sector... or people with financial assets.
It gave more than 40 students a chance to put their hacking skills to good use and to earn a little pocket money in the process.
In my room, I saw the little box on the table, in which I kept my pocket money.
Money burns a hole in the pocket.
I went to the toilet and counted the money over again. I hid the hundred franc notes in my fob pocket and kept a fifty franc note and the loose change in my trousers pocket.
Though I wanted to buy a pocket recorder, I decided to send the money to the children in the countryside.
Such business, barely profitable in the boom years, has become a gold mine as competition has dwindled and bid-ask spreads (the money dealers pocket on trades) have ballooned.
I returned to Paris with money in my pocket - a few hundred francs, which Collins had shoved in my pocket just as I was boarding the train.
More than half of children in the UK save more of their pocket money than they spend, research has shown.
But when he hears about somebody who's sick in the hospital or lost his job, he's always the first to put his hand in his pocket and bring out money to help.
The Solution: You could have saved the entire amount if you just kept the money (or credit card) in your pocket.
策略:如果你只是把钱或信用卡放在口袋里,本以为会把钱都存起来。 但实际什么多没存,除非你把它存到银行帐户里。
The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket.
But the new money in Coke's pocket will be earned by Njeri.
I usually spend all the money in my pocket.
I usually spend all the money in my pocket.