There were ethnic Russian, plus darker skinned Turks and Persians; but most common were the oval, Mongolian features of the ancestors of Genghis Khan.
The fountainhead of this pedigree was the golden age of Mongolian, were Genghis Khan who had changed the progress of world history with whirlwind cavalry and the epic of grassland.
The tour is named after the weapon carried by Genghis Khan, the Mongolian emperor.
In the Ordos Plateau in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the west, there is a Mongolian Wei stand tall building of the palace, which is known, the tomb of Genghis Khan.
Genghis Khan united the tribes living in Mongolian grasslands in 1206.
The Genggis khan legend spreading widely in Mongolian area mostly sing praises of Genggis khan's success and virtue.
Genghis Khan and his descendants set up the Mongolian Empire successively in the western expedition during the over half of the century.
Genghis Khan whose original name is Tiemuzhen was a famous historical figure known home and abroad, the creator of Mongolian nation and a national hero of Mongolian nationality.
Altan Khan the economic strategy will not only change the situation in Mongolia important at the time, and also to improve the economic strength, enhance the Mongolian to thrive.
"Mongolian origin legend" is through the mouth for thousands of years legend has it that Genghis Khan established the Mongol Empire, the creation of Uighur Mongolian, the text before recording began.
The packing creativity of Hehan ( Collection Liqour) comes from the Genghis Khan worship tablet in mongolian Empire.
成吉思汗 合罕(收藏酒)创意源于蒙古国成吉思汗祭拜碑。
The packing creativity of Hehan ( Collection Liqour) comes from the Genghis Khan worship tablet in mongolian Empire.
成吉思汗 合罕(收藏酒)创意源于蒙古国成吉思汗祭拜碑。