India, in turn, espouses its own "Monroe doctrine", demanding that outsiders keep out of its backyard.
When woven together, as they would be in policies ranging from the Monroe Doctrine to the Marshall Plan, they were the warp and woof of a sturdy foreign policy.
Maybe so, but that's not how great powers have acted in the past, and it's certainly not how the United States behaved during its own rise to world power (remember the Monroe Doctrine?).
Since "Monroe Doctrine" puted forward in 1823, with power increasing, the United States extend its hegemony from America to the Pacific -asia area to the global.
His corollary to the Monroe Doctrine prevented the establishment of foreign bases in the Caribbean and arrogated the sole right of intervention in Latin America to the United States.
He helped formulate the famous Monroe Doctrine, and is regarded as one of the greatest diplomats in American history.
The noncolonization principle of the Monroe Doctrine implied that the United States intended to extend its business interests and establish its hegemony in the America continent;
The noncolonization principle of the Monroe Doctrine implied that the United States intended to extend its business interests and establish its hegemony in the America continent;