Moon Phase: Shows New, Full and even Blue moons.
With second hand, moon phase, night shut-off, triple chime each quarter.
This tool displays the Moon phase and the Moon position in the zodiac for a given date.
Moon Phases is a free J2ME application that displays the current moon phase on your mobile phone.
The main screen displays the current moon phase, moon age, distance, latitude and longitude, and zodiac.
SimpleMoon provides a simple, elegant view of one thing: the moon phase for today, tomorrow, and the day after that.
Work will be on your mind as you begin October. You'll be busy finishing a major project at the full moon phase, October 4, plus or minus four days.
It has four dials, which offer the following measurements: "instantaneous jump hour, concentric retrograde minutes, retrograde date and bi-hemisphere moon phase."
From southern parts of the UK, the initial partial phase and the beginning of totality were expected to be visible, with the Moon dropping down into the western sky as dawn approached.
From Mercury, both the Earth and its comparatively large moon will always appear as small circles of reflected sunlight and will never show a crescent phase.
Some of it has to do with meteorological conditions, and some with the phase of the moon.
Your next chance to see the Moon this large and bright, this time at full phase within only a few minutes of lunar perigee, will be next year on May 6.
In addition to appearing to be uncommonly big to stargazers, the moon will also be in its full phase.
Sunday's new Moon in Aries ushers in a new phase in your relationships.
For returning clients or personal study, I have enjoyed weaving a story of the progressed Moon's house, sign and phase, especially the progressed New and Full Moon.
China announced on Friday that its Moon probe project has entered the launching phase, and the satellite and the carrier rocket are ready for launch.
Moon age and phase are shown on the display based on your current latitude and longitude.
Thereafter the degree of intensity tapers off until it is at its minimum during the third quarter phase of the moon.
In the tidal difference daily variations, there is a period of half lunar month of syzygy spring tides related to the phase of the moon.
As the Moon leaves your romantic sector on Monday he wraps up a visit that over the long weekend gave you a chance to adjust to Pluto's new retrograde phase.
The moon bathed the landscape in her pale cold ray at a different phase and with varied brightness.
With the new moon in Cancer and Mars in Cancer behind you, you will likely be ready to start an entirely new and very positive chapter in any phase of your life.
When it provides so much more than just the time: temperature, phase of the moon, and accuracy within one second per year, for example.
The third phase features another lunar rover, which will land on the moon and return to Earth with lunar soil and stone samples for scientific research, in 2017.
The moon is a touch past last quarter phase as it and the Pleiades star cluster rise over your east-northeast horizon around midnight tonight.
The moon is a touch past last quarter phase as it and the Pleiades star cluster rise over your east-northeast horizon around midnight tonight.