They asked her some searching questions on moral philosophy and logic.
The Romans adopted Greek religion and moral philosophy.
Ghosts, mediums, and miraculous cures by the intercession of saints play no role in his argument, which draws instead on quantum mechanics, neuroscience, and moral philosophy.
The Sophists in Plato’s time were men who used philosophy for profit, inventing moral loopholes to get people out of obligations, or to excuse what would otherwise be considered immoral behavior.
The context of this was that Hume was applying for a chair in moral philosophy at Adumbral and the clergy at Adumbral was very much against him.
It's our moral compass, our mature or grown-up moral philosophy.
Arguments in moral philosophy are rarely conclusive, partly because we each have mutually inconsistent intuitions.
So you can see in that passage Hobbes takes himself to be a moralist writing within the great tradition of moral philosophy.
And he calls these laws, these 19 laws of nature, the true and only moral philosophy.
This thesis for the lower effectiveness of school moral education in our country, put forward a moral philosophy of life.
Moral nihilism, as a kind of profound moral philosophy, issues the greatest challenge to other moral doctrines since it seeks to strip off various moral masks and present the real aspect of life.
It is main theme in the moral construction that explores and demonstrates the foundation of "rationality" of the western moral philosophy.
From the Age of Enlightenment, Western moral philosophy has raised various moral justifications, but they all have failed.
Instead, he devoted his life to jurisprudence and moral philosophy.
Exploring the link between science and human nature, or a scientifically applied moral philosophy, is the goal of this Treatise.
In moral philosophy, it shows itself as moral constructivism.
People pay attention to material interests must also have a common code of conduct and moral philosophy.
Nietzsche's moral philosophy is based on the theory of 'revalue everything', and emphasizes the theory of 'revalue morality'.
The Analects contains abundant and abstruse moral philosophy, mercy, justice and courtesy are the core of social morality, faithfulness is the base of professional morality and piety family virtue.
Etiquette is the core of Chinese traditional moral philosophy which based on the training of discipline in order to the creative moral personality.
The starting point and purpose of the whole Nietzsche's moral philosophy is to give meaning to life, that is, he denies the old moral value and advocates a new one from the perspective of life.
He studied the difference and puzzle between continence, incontinence and temperance in terms of his own moral philosophy, and treated continence and incontinence as a pair of middle character.
Health preserving philosophy in Confucianism reflects Confucian moral philosophy and it embodies Confucian understanding of the value of life and the purpose of health preserving.
The moral philosophy is the backbone of Chinese philosophy thought, it contains extremely rich management thought, moreover, it has affected Chinese human resources management several thousands years.
The conception of justice is the essential content of Hume's moral philosophy.
It may seem surprising that a study of contemporary moral philosophy spends some time, particularly in the first three chapters, considering some ideas to be found in ancient Greek thought.
It may seem surprising that a study of contemporary moral philosophy spends some time, particularly in the first three chapters, considering some ideas to be found in ancient Greek thought.