The moral damage compensation is an important part of state compensation system.
Moral damage compensation system is a modern system of civil damages important component.
The perfect of product liability moral damage compensation system, for the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, have positive significance.
In China the law of product quality does not include the regulation of moral damage compensation, so the rights and interests of consumers are not properly guaranteed.
The civil subject cannot get the complete compensation by different standards, the civil subject also cannot get the moral damage compensation by the incomplete system.
On the basis of comparison, four ideas are presented about the establishment of compensation system for moral damage, and it is thought that Article 112 Contract Law is the legal basis for the system.
In reality, whether the violations of natural rights to name, identity and education should be given the compensation for moral damage, and whether there is a corresponding legal basis.
It is the trend of The Times that the compensation for moral damage is included in the state compensation.
Thus causes the supplementary civil action the compensation scope to define in the material loss, the moral damage compensate into endures together.
On the problem of whether the liability for breach of contract contains the compensation for moral damage, the theoretical circle of law and the judiciary circle still have disputes.
In the second part, the issue of compensation for moral damage is analyzed and studied.
Finally, the amount of product liability compensation for moral damage were analyzed and determined.
Finally, the amount of product liability compensation for moral damage were analyzed and determined.