The query maps one or more specific XML element or attribute node values to an equal number of relational data type columns (see Figure 6).
This new capability sets the stage for a number of more advanced deployment and management topologies, shown in Figure 10.
Starting on the claimform.html page, enter a claimant name, accident date and time, police report number, and a few more bits of information, as shown in Figure 11.
启动claimform .html页面,输入一个索赔者姓名、事故日期和事件、警察报告编号、以及其他一些信息,如图11所示。
The final chart shows the number of people who have been unemployed for more than 15 weeks, a figure that is now up to 7.8 million.
There are also a number of more advanced commands, though frankly I haven't been able to figure out how some of them work (feel free to leave tips in the comments).
InfoSphere data Architect needs more information before connecting to the metadata server, such as hostname, port number, user ID, and password, as shown in Figure 22.
This figure also created a lowest record in Lakers playoff history of one-third of single-shot more than 20 times the number of shooting.
This figure also created a lowest record in Lakers playoff history of one-third of single-shot more than 20 times the number of shooting.