The long-awaited results of the "stress tests" set off an immediate scramble by major institutions for more capital.
The long-awaited first vaccinations against swine flu — the squirt-in-the-nose kind — begin early next week in parts of the country, and states are urging people to be patient until more arrives.
Mr Darling's long-awaited white paper sets out a blueprint of sorts for how the current regulatory system might be adapted to more perilous times.
The long-awaited feature will finally deliver what Firefox and IE users have had for ages: a way to add more tools, services, and additional features to the browser.
Google has launched its long-awaited e-bookstore, Google e-books, bringing more than 3 million books - many of them free - to any device with a web browser in the U.S..
谷歌推出了市场期待已久的电子书店服务Google e- books——它向美国境内拥有网页浏览器的所有设备提供超过300万本书籍,其中很多是免费的。
So he started to prepare for his long-awaited trip after he entered university and had more free time.
When taking only 12 yuan in the New Year's money, the children of years to become even more interesting: poker, play sand bags, which bring us happiness, all in the long-awaited days of use.
In an April 9 nationwide broadcast, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone urged the Japanese to buy more imported goods and unveiled a long-awaited three-year plan to ease import restrictions.
Yet I also envision groundbreaking discoveries or on a more realistic scale, solving smaller pieces of a larger puzzle which may lead to a long-awaited breakthrough.
The silent and long-awaited snow fell gracefully on the polluted ground of my father's steel factory, making everything around me white and free of painful memories. (Add more).
The silent and long-awaited snow fell gracefully on the polluted ground of my father's steel factory, making everything around me white and free of painful memories. (Add more).