I have more piano games, online guitar games and some movies. What do you want?
Many more people in the States are spending their free time surfing the web, emailing friends or playing games online.
Though teachers and parents told them not to play games any more again and again, those kids who are addicted to online games would still do it.
More people are spending their free time going online, or playing video games.
So, if you need more bandwidth (to perform downloads or play online games), you can log on to the provider's Web site and use a Web page to automatically upgrade your connection to the provider.
It's no surprise that Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg thinks that games, and all online applications, are becoming more social.
He gives the following example: "the last generation of games was played on Xbox and Nintendo, but many more people now play social games with their friends online."
Popular online gaming site 17173 said the nail-house game ranked third among last month's top games and had been played more than 1.8m times since its launch two weeks ago.
This is becoming more and more viable as providers look to add value to their networks through the hosting of multiplayer online games.
Addiction to online games is becoming more widespread among vulnerable young people, according to a treatment centre that has begun running abstinence courses in Britain.
Anyone who finished it could then download more levels online—since the latest games consoles, like PCs, can connect to the internet.
We're seeing more companies buying the rights from online authors and adapting their stories into movies, television shows and games. Why is that?
Each month, more than 200 million people play casual games online.
In the area of online computer games, its Xbox Live service has more than 5m subscribers, suggesting that the company is capable of supplying innovative services.
在线游戏领域,微软的Xbox Live服务有500万注册用户,这也证明微软在提供创意性服务上的能力。
The country has more than 300m internet users, 40m of whom play online games.
该国已有 3 亿网民,其中有 4 000 万玩网络游戏。
You look online games like the sea for more, eat winder will addictive, and indulge in it, unable to extricate themselves.
Thee research, which looked at the differences between what the genders enjoyed doing online, discovered that men are more likely to visit entertainment, betting, games and music websites.
Nowadays, more and more young people spent their spare time playing online games such as CS, which has aroused great concern, and should be given enough consideration.
Millions download music directly to their mobiles, and many more use their handsets for online shopping and to play games.
When the PS3 launched, the 360 was the system with more, better games, and the better online strategy.
PS 3首发时,360占了更多更棒的游戏,线上策略也有效地多。
What's more, through playing online games, we can build team efforts and develop team spirits.
Data broadcasting system bring more functions for user, such as graphics, text, online upgrades, games and data download, and etc. And it can also support interactive features if network supported.
Four years down the result is that more than half have been addicted to online games, nine people talked about love.
Nowadayss online games becomes more and more popular among the young in China.
But consumers are now much more used to the idea of buying virtual goods in online games and downloading content like songs and videos, and this change in behavior could benefit PayPal.
But consumers are now much more used to the idea of buying virtual goods in online games and downloading content like songs and videos, and this change in behavior could benefit PayPal.