I mean, doesn't it attract more predators?
That relationship, however, is just a coincidence caused by the fact that small beasts usually have more predators than large ones do.
More slug-looking than anything, this little guy is giving off a message to his predators that he will not make a tasty meal.
Why does their behavior indicate more of a concern with how much energy they expend than with being exposed to predators?
They're willing to make more trips to haul back less wood, which carries a greater risk of being exposed to predators.
Presumably, the more often it wanders from home, the more it's likely to be exposed to predators.
For example, it can impair orientation and sense of smell in young clownfish, making them more vulnerable to predators.
Predators detect common forms of prey more easily, the scientists figure.
Lots of animals learn from their more experienced peers to gain skills such as hunting, foraging or evading predators.
Trouble has closed in on these mammals in the form of equally warm-blooded and even more efficient and adaptable predators, humans.
The natural impulses that helped early humans find food and avoid predators are causing us to regress to a state no more sophisticated than a rat in a laboratory, he said.
Mobbs unleashed two kinds of predators on his players, a less adept one that was easy to escape, and a smarter one that was more likely to capture its victim.
Our population continues to grow, even as the shark population declines, so there are more chances of us encountering marine predators.
Such spotty distribution prevents the plants from mixing genes, making them more vulnerable to the arrival of diseases, parasites, and predators associated with climate change, Lambe noted.
Since the phytoplankton are more widely distributed, predators (zooplankton) have a harder time locating and feeding on them.
Trouble has closed in on these mammals in the form of equally warm-blooded and even more efficient and adaptable predators.
Daniel MacNulty of the University of Minnesota and his colleagues have found that for predators which need to run after their prey, being big can be more of a hindrance than a help.
明尼苏达大学的Daniel MacNulty及其同事发现,对于那些需要追逐猎物的捕食者来说,庞大的体型可能拖累而非助益其捕猎行动。
And previous studies have shown that the presence of predators ups stress levels in prey, weakening their immune systems and making them more vulnerable to disease-and death.
Our ancestors may have had daily need of fear to flee predators, anger to conquer foes and disgust to avoid diseases, but we live in a more subtle world in which other emotions have come to the fore.
Especially after a hard, lean winter, these predators may be more aggressive than normal and could be dangerous.
Software firms may feel more at home working with partners in the computer industry: mobile operators are widely seen as lumbering giants, if not greedy predators.
Predators didn't seem to targetthe unusually coloured bees more than the native populations we tested.
Notably, the snake populations studied all give birth to live young (other species like pythons, lay eggs) and are sit-and-wait predators, making them more vulnerable to change in their environments.
After years of weak growth, many European firms look sub-scale compared with American, and increasingly Asian, rivals-making them more likely to be prey than predators.
Every plant, Ames said, is full of 100 or more chemicals, including "natural pesticides," which the plants make to defend themselves against predators.
Every plant, Ames said, is full of 100 or more chemicals, including "natural pesticides," which the plants make to defend themselves against predators.