Researchers from the University of Leipzig in Germany gathered more than 1,000 retired workers who were over age 75 and assessed the volunteers' memory and thinking skills through a battery of tests.
I have a good memory so I learn more quickly than others.
Then they gave the memory another image of a numeral more degraded than the first samples to see if it could "recall" what the digit was.
The secret about 2009 is that there will be more tough full moons this year (a total of four in all) than any year in recent memory.
While we can simply watch the amount of memory used by a script by turning the system monitor on, it will not tell us anything more useful than the status of the entire system memory.
This is more useful than any of the other rendering types, since it allows for a logical organization of the memory being examined.
Because caffeine is a psychostimulant, older women who drink 3 or more cups of coffee or tea a day have less memory loss and cognitive decline than their counterparts who drink less or none.
While many good tools for dealing with persistent data are available, they all involve a lot more work than simply manipulating an in-memory data structure.
Finally, a traditional device generally has more processing power, memory, and a higher-speed connection to the Internet than a mobile device does.
As a result, compression allows more data to be in memory than without compression, which increases the buffer-pool hit ratio and makes higher utilization of the available memory.
It is generally true that it takes more people to maintain institutional memory and stay fresh on a large code base than it does a smaller one.
When running on a system with more process address space than physical memory, a memory leak or excessive use of native memory will force the OS to swap out some of the virtual address space.
A memory-bound application needs more memory than is available.
A primary contributor to the complexity of memory management is aliasing: having more than one copy of a pointer or reference to the same block of memory or object.
Memory marvels: Mind like a sieve? Don't worry. The difference between mere mortals and memory champs is more method than mental capacity.
More than 400 years ago, a great citizen wished to imbed the 5th of November forever in our memory.
Another advantage is that this solution can handle cascading failures of application servers, which is only possible with more than one replica in a memory to memory configuration.
As available graphics memory is usually far more limited than general memory, the rendering process has been optimized to keep the use of graphics memory to a minimum.
Data binding is not only more convenient for developers than working with a document model, it's also much more efficient in terms of both performance and memory use.
Nonetheless, it is a far more robust solution than simply loading the data into memory without formally verifying it against a grammar.
But the voice of this great man may never be more powerful to me than my memory of his voice in a Chicago parking lot.
In our memory, there is nothing more satisfying than taking a quick nap during English class on a middle-school desk.
Some kernel levels require a parameter to enable large memory support on systems with more than a certain amount of ram.
And this percentage dwindles further if the witness is working from a memory more than a few days old.
And that function, memory indexed by emotion, more than anything else, is what a brain is good for.
XP was not a choice, for it cost more than the PC was worth - it was old and with limited memory.
This allows each process to be significantly more lightweight in terms of memory and CPU requirements than a native OS thread.
This allows each process to be significantly more lightweight in terms of memory and CPU requirements than a native OS thread.