"I can say for sure that no one else loves me more than you do in this world," stated Sophia tearfully.
It's about loving someone more than words can say, and I wish that it would never end.
If they just say 'no, of course not', I would trust them much more than if they said: 'How can you possibly ask me that?
Besides, it's lasted 15 years, which is more than I can say for my real orchids.
From my personal experience over the past 7 yrs I can say I've seen less than 10 women in what I've been involved with but hope to see more women in the future.
Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept.
Over extended it can say to the other person more eloquently than words, "you are unable to care for yourself; I must take care of you because you are mine."
I should mention that recipe 5.9, "Inverting a hash," can also be done with my Tie: : hash: : TwoWay CPAN module, which does a lot more than what the recipe shows (if I do say so myself!)
It owns and operates that system, so having it could put more energy and effort against it - and it would say that it is - but I think that there is more than can be done.
It's a clever plan, and it seems like it might work (which is more than I can say for most of the Semantic Web).
I love you more than any words can say.
All I will say is that it is more food than you can imagine, and just when you think it is over, there is always more.
I can say more words than you, Micky.
Now I want to say, time is more precious than money, because when money is spent, we can earn some more again.
Sweetheart, I love you more than I can say!
I admire and respect you more than I can say.
If I do not love you so much, I can say more than I can say.
Your absence pains me more than I can say.
When the surgeon, Dr. Chu Yu-kuang, made the incision into the throat to remove the tumor, the fully conscious woman never twitched - which is more than I can say for the observers.
I love you more than words can say.
Where it says, your friendship over the years has really meant a lot to me, more than I can say because I'm not good at saying things like that.
I love you actually, but I love you more than I can say.
You know, I love you more than what I can say, I miss you beyond what I can control.
Later on I'll give you a fuller explanation of today's jottings, and if you can't make them out, then be assured that I love you more than I can say.
Later on I'll give you a fuller explanation of today's jottings, and if you can't make them out, then be assured that I love you more than I can say.