Most feed readers have the same look and feel as E-mail applications or newsgroup readers, with folders on the left and content to the right.
People have proven willing to pay for long-form journalism on e-readers. But these devices do not allow publishers to present their content in creative ways and most cannot carry advertisements.
Instead of a layer of glass (which is at the foundation of most displays available currently) the next generation of e-readers will have lightweight screens that are based on a metal foil.
Mysteries, beach-reading books, biographies, and other books with a general appeal that are read while traveling or on holidays are most suitable for e-readers.
It seems most likely, however, that people will buy e-readers (or more general-purpose devices, such as tablet computers) to read e-books primarily, and will then also use them to read e-newspapers.
Most e-readers have tried to replace page numbers by showing the percentage of the book read.
Over the last year, the most voracious readers of e-books have shown a reflexive hostility to prices higher than the $9.99 set by and other online retailers for popular titles.
It seems most likely, however, that people will buy e-readers (or more general-purpose devices, such as tablet computers) to reade-books primarily, and will then also use them to reade-newspapers.
It seems most likely, however, that people will buy e-readers (or more general-purpose devices, such as tablet computers) to reade-books primarily, and will then also use them to reade-newspapers.