The position of the first wife is prestigious in my culture, and that prestige is tripled when the first wife is a first cousin and mother of a first son.
As a mother, she found herself at war with a culture that emphasized physical appearance to her daughter over pride, strength, resilience and intelligence.
"One of the reasons that he is so cool and non-combative is that he learned to deal with this teasing culture," said Kay Ikranagara, who worked with Obama's mother in Jakarta and knew the family well.
Sandberg says that the impact of popular culture struck her when her son was playing a Star Wars game. "when I grow up, I want to live in space and be a Star Wars person as a job," he told his mother.
For Sizwe, who is about to marry the mother of his son, testing positive would also destroy a future constructed on the remains of a traditional culture that commands marriage and heirs.
Father, help children "culture independence", even more than my mother let the child out of the distance on average than the mother allowed distance twice, and then hold them back.
That night, my mother and I came to the culture square.
There are six factors that influence English listening comprehension, that is, obstacles of the mother tongue, grammar, vocabulary, comprehensive understanding, psychology, and culture.
When that happens, it give rise to that frightful "discontent in our culture," where nobody feels at home because a "father" and "mother" are missing.
Mother language education is the main ways of a minority to maintain and heritage ethnic culture, retaining features to distinguish "otherness", which is the struggling force of every ethnic group.
So we can resolve the differences and conflicts between the English language and mother tongue, overcome culture barrier and develop English teaching capabily overall.
In Every culture, the responsibility of the upbringing and nourishing of a child lies in the hands of the mother.
In Amy Tan's novels, she pays much attention to the relationship between Chinese immigrant mother and American born daughter as well as the conflicts between the Chinese and American culture.
It's helpful for learners whose mother tongue is Chinese to make good use of the Chinese culture foundation and pronunciation similarities based on their unique language atmosphere.
The ancient canal is Yangzhou's mother river nurturing the long and rich canal culture.
To explore the "mother Secretary e" Fangding the bronze, 1.33 meters high, weight 875 kg, is China's largest so far found that the bronze ware, bronze culture in the world is rare.
In 1970, for example, the culture of the stay-at-home mother and wife was prevalent, and only 4% of women had an income greater than their husbands.
Therefore, it's very important, in Japanese learning and teaching, to avoid interference from mother culture and way of thinking, and to improve cross-cultural awareness.
She is the mother of the Yellow River Culture.
"New woman" representing Chinese male culture ---"mother", the other is "I" who is deeply influenced by the Chinese stories told by "mother" and merged into the American social culture;
The major reasons for the differences may due to the culture difference, mother tongue transfer and lack of stylistic awareness.
The activity and acid - producing ability of mother culture are the main conditions of culture preservation and transfers of yoghurt production.
The activity and acid - producing ability of mother culture are the main conditions of culture preservation and transfers of yoghurt production.