Her own experiences have provided her with a mother lode of material for her songs.
Some mother expressions mean just that. The mother lode comes from mining.
Where you have water ice, you have a potential mother lode for lunar prospecting of hydrogen.
At the end of the article, you'll find the mother lode — a gargantuan annotated list of RSS resources.
I cleaned the car by hand for the first time in years, then found a mother lode of black beans in the back of the cupboard.
It was the mother lode of the remaining kakapo population, and it provided conservationists with another opportunity to rehabilitate the species.
PEOPLE love to mock the middle class. Its narrow-mindedness, complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.
They are fellow prospectors pressing deeper into an abstracted world, content most of the time to pick up an occasional nugget but dreaming of the mother lode.
It has spawned a mother lode of words and phrases that CEOs, financial analysts, and journalists alike have come to rely on to describe most things new in the business world.
“You’re moving the largest mother lode imaginable ” said former astronaut Rusty Schweickart cofounder of the B612 Foundation an organization dedicated to protecting Earth from asteroid strikes.
原宇航员RustySchweickart说道。 他是B612基金会的共同发起人,该组织致力于保护地球免受小行星的撞击。
“You’re moving the largest mother lode imaginable ” said former astronaut Rusty Schweickart cofounder of the B612 Foundation an organization dedicated to protecting Earth from asteroid strikes.
原宇航员RustySchweickart说道。 他是B612基金会的共同发起人,该组织致力于保护地球免受小行星的撞击。