Exclusive provide motile seats.
Often dance can you bring about knee joint motile to injure?
In contrast, cells of strain ABT are highly motile Madigan et al.
They do not produce motile spores at any stage of the life cycle.
Many protoctistans are motile, using pseudopodia, cilia or flagella.
Certain motile flagellated bacteria can rapidly spread over the slightly moist surface.
The spores and gametes could grow to new thalli independently, and the same to motile zygotes.
Motile bacteria can move about, either using bacterial gliding, flagella or changes of buoyancy.
Gametes showed intensive positive phototaxis, after syngamy, motile zygotes showed negative phototaxis.
They are far more active than milk neutrophils, and recent experiments suggest that they are more motile than are their counterparts in blood.
The cause of anemia was explored from the three aspects: the increase in plasma volume, the motile iron deficiency state and erythrocyte hemolysis.
During diseases like cancer, cells escape normal regulatory mechanisms of cell adhesion and growth signaling to become more motile and proliferative.
The none-motile alternately working two-pot device is a new type of the alternately working one, which is the individual invents of researcher Zeng Xiangwei.
Baicalin is mainly the motile constituent of Radix Scuteuariae. it has the role of clearing away heat and promoting Diuresis, Cooling blood and clearing away toxic material.
The main function of catabolic reactions is to provide energy, which is stored as ATP, for use in the synthesis of new structures, cell-to-cell signaling, or the movement of motile cells.
分解反应的主要功能是提供能量,这种能量储存在AT P中,可以用来合成新的结构,细胞间的信号传递,细胞的运动等。
One of several new foods to feature the motile microorganism is Salmonell-Os—an O-shaped breakfast cereal packed with hearty typhoid clusters—which is expected to hit grocery stores by April.
Moreover, unlike planktonic purple bacteria such as Chromatium okenii, whose cells are highly motile (Schlegel and Pfennig 1961; van Gemerden and Mas 1995), strain Fryx1 is only weakly motile.
此外,不像Chromatium okenii等一类紫色浮游细菌,其细胞具有高度游动性Schlegeland Pfennig 1961;van Gemerden andMas 1995 Fryx1只是弱能动性。
Moreover, unlike planktonic purple bacteria such as Chromatium okenii, whose cells are highly motile (Schlegel and Pfennig 1961; van Gemerden and Mas 1995), strain Fryx1 is only weakly motile.
此外,不像Chromatium okenii等一类紫色浮游细菌,其细胞具有高度游动性Schlegeland Pfennig 1961;van Gemerden andMas 1995 Fryx1只是弱能动性。