Range alignment and motion compensation are the key techniques of ISAR.
Motion compensation accuracy of high resolution UWB SAR is studied in the paper.
Motion compensation technique is a key to realization of high resolution airborne SAR.
Motion compensation is a key step for inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging.
Range alignment is crucial in motion compensation of the inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR).
Image motion compensation (IMC) is often used in aerial cameras to improve the quality of imaging.
The envelope correlation algorithm is the most widely used in range alignment of ISAR motion compensation.
A typical EIS algorithm including three parts: motion estimation, motion filtering and motion compensation.
As to motion compensation module, bi-directional compensation algorithm is used. The precision is half pixel.
This method does not involve motion estimation and motion compensation, thus the computational complexity is low.
There're three key modules in the system, which are motion estimation module, motion compensation module and buffer module.
The targets imaged by ISAR are usually non-cooperative. So motion compensation is a key technique in ISAR imaging processing.
Further, the top and bottom predictive coders can advantageously include B-frames and multiple prediction motion compensation.
Prediction usually involves side data, such as a signal telling the decoder a motion vector to use for said motion compensation.
RV40 had a hilarious example of this, where a typo of "22" instead of "33" resulted in quarter-pixel motion compensation being broken.
Linear FMCW radar is a kind of high-range-resolution radar, and motion compensation is a key problem to realize high range resolution.
However, all the methods of motion compensation of ISAR available always carry out range realignment and phase compensation separately.
Image Motion Compensation (IMC) has been widely used in aerospace cameras to improve the imaging quality and the resolution of cameras.
Displaced phase center algorithm is an effective motion compensation method when the motion error along the synthetic aperture is small.
Frequency stepped radar is a high range resolution radar, and motion compensation is the key technique to realize high resolution of range.
This paper focuses some research on key problems of global motion compensation coding to solve real-time global motion compensation coding.
A weighted adaptive DE interlacing method which can effectively solve motion estimation failure in motion compensation technique was proposed.
This method can decrease the arithmetic operations for motion compensation, which provides the basis for developing the real time signal processor of ISAR.
Considering the information redundancy and complementary in the two compensation methods, we use data fusion method in airborne UWB SAR motion compensation.
Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can greatly reduce the complexity of G-BFOS algorithm with increasing PSNR value of motion compensation.
软件模拟结果显示本算法大大降低了G -BFOS优化算法的计算量,且运动补偿PSNR值高于G - BFOS算法结果。
Motion compensation is a key component of a hybrid video coding standard such as H. 264 and it can effectively remove the redundance of successive video signals.
运动补偿技术是包括H。 264在内的混合视频编码的一项关键技术,它可以有效地消除视频序列在时间上的相关性。
PGA algorithm, which can compensate any-order phase error in airborne SAR motion compensation, is discussed in this article. A fast PGA algorithm is also proposed.
The motion compensation of Inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) target can be decomposed into two steps: first the envelope alignment and then the autofocusing.
逆合成孔径雷达成像中平动补偿可以分为两步进行,即平动粗补偿(包络对齐)和平动精补偿(自聚焦) 。
The object detection technology and the background motion compensation technology based on single camera on the moving background were further studied in this paper.
So, the pixels of the current field are retained, and the empty lines between those pixels are populated with pixels from the stored field (s) using motion compensation.