Non uniform motion can be produced by using a servo motor to drive a middle transmission system.
It is defined that the actual scanning motion is composed of uniform motion and non-uniform motion, thus the actual curing line appears variously.
Uniform linear motion blurring is also a common kind of blurring in motion, because motion of changed speed and non-linear can be regarded as composed result of uniform linear motion.
It's during those brief spells of non uniform motion that her ageing races way ahead of the grandfather's.
With various relative lengths of the links, this four-bar linkage becomes a useful mechanism for converting uniform rotary to non-uniform rotary motion or continuous rotary to oscillatory motion.
Therefore, this paper used the formula of starting power to study uniform gravel and non-uniform motion laws.
The formula for calculating the incipient motion condition of non-uniform sediment has been established by considering the equivalent grain and the relative exposure degree.
Spatially non-uniform seismic ground motion, therefore, cannot be taken into account in the seismic safety assessment of the similar underground rock cavern groups.
In order to study the effect of non-uniformity of fluid motion on determination of the velocity vector at an interrogation spot, five typical non-uniform factors are discussed.
A simple model used to compute the velocity of threshold motion for each grain size of the non-uniform sediments in consideration of both their expose and shelter actions is established;
A simple model used to compute the velocity of threshold motion for each grain size of the non-uniform sediments in consideration of both their expose and shelter actions is established;